Best student paper award by Joao Ramos in ECML/PKDD 2021

It is our pleasure to announce that Joao Ramos received the best student data mining paper award in ECML/PKDD 2021 for the work he did in modelling pathological gait to eventually support treatment planning. Joao's work takes place in the context of the SimGait Synergia project funded by SNF, in which our team works together with the kinesiology lab of Unige/HUG (Stephane ARMAND) and the Biorob team of EPFL (Auke J. Ijspeert). Te work is co-authored by Lionel Blondé,  Stephane ARMAND and Alexandros Kalousis. Joao relied on a Variational Autoencoder and used a Graph Network to learn how body parts interact. He will present his work on Tuesday 14th of September 12:00-12:20 (Madrid time). For more details you can check the paper entitled "Conditional Neural Relational Inference for Interacting Systems" here: