On Friday, the 8th of November 2019, we have the pleasure of hosting Prof. George C. Anagnostopoulos, who will present his work on:
“Data Analysis and Interpretation of Electromagnetic disturbances detected by Low Earth Orbit (LEO) satellites before Earthquakes (EQs): Perspectives for the EQ prediction research.”
The presentation of 45 minutes will be followed by an open discussion.
The event is open to everyone interested in the topic.
Place: Battelle Campus, Building B, room B4.06
Time: Friday, 08/11/2019, 11h00
Earthquakes (EQs) is one of the most catastrophic physical phenomena. The question regarding the possibility of their prediction is of great importance for the human life and the safety of modern societies, from both a humanitarian and an economic point of view. For instance, Haiti 2010 EQ left > 200 000 deaths, while the cost of the damages after the Japan 2011 EQ was estimated to > US$235 billion (Word Bank report).
It is hopeful that the EQ prediction research has recently gained a lot from studies of Electro-Magnetic (EM) phenomena observed before EQs, but much work is certainly needed to compare and combine a big amount of data reflecting a series of physical pre-EQ processes.
In this talk, we will present results based on the analysis and interpretation of two kinds of data: (A) EM radiation at various bands of the EM spectrum (Ultra low frequencies, Very low frequencies, Thermal infrared radiation) and charged particle measurements obtained by the French satellite DEMETER (Detection of Electro-Magnetic Emissions from Earthquake Regions) reflecting pre-EQ EM processes in the Lithosphere, Atmosphere, Ionosphere and the near Space (Radiation Belts) before great EQs, (B) Solar and interplanetary measurements from the IDP and ACE satellites and Earth based geomagnetic and seismological measurements of various physical parameters.
Based on B-type of data, we have recently inferred a solar dependence of the Earth’s seismicity (caused by certain types of fast solar wind streams and the subsequent quasi-static (<1 mHz) EM wave radiation reaching the Earth’s surface (Anagnostopoulos et al, accepted in Europ. Phys. J., 2019). Therefore, the following concept has been proposed and will be discussed: the Earth’s EQ-sensitive lithosphere should be considered (not only as the external surface of earth but) as a boundary of two different cosmic regions, the Planet Earth and the Solar Space plasma; Earth and space appear to exchange EM energy between each other before EQs. Several features of this interaction are used as EQ precursory signals.
We reasonably infer that beside the physical concepts, a combined use of a large array of time series and a variety of data analysis tools are needed in order to construct a reliable EQ prediction model based on a multidisciplinary approach and a strategy of an international cooperation, which has been recently realized as the next step in EQ prediction research.
Short Bio:
Rev. G. C. Anagnostopoulos is a Professor, and Head of the Laboratory on Electromagnetism and Space Sciences, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Demokritos University of Thrace, Greece (ganagno@ee.duth.gr). Research interests: Space Physics (data analysis and interpretation), Remote Sensing, Seismoelectromagnetism, Bioelectromagnetism and Epistemology. Supervised 10 PhD / MAS and ~50 Ms students. Twelve different courses in undergraduate and graduate university level. Authored >80 refereed papers; ~500 citations. Over 30 invited presentations in Institutions and Meetings; ~200 Conferences presentations. Visiting researcher in Johns Hopkins University, Imperial College, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow University, UCLA /Berkeley etc. Funded by 15 grants. Participated in the organization of >10 National and International Conferences and Seminars. Guest investigator to the DEMETER mission.